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Dive into Polynesia with Humpback Whales

Author: Maduro Dive Staff

Have you gone diving in French Polynesia yet? No? It's DEFINITELY a bucket-list-worthy spot. This little piece of paradise becomes a hot ticket item between the end of July - October and there's a BIG reason behind it.


Humpback whales.

These majestic creatures inhabit all the world's oceans but at the end of autumn they trade in their cold feeding grounds for warm tropical waters and sunshine. What better place for warm clear waters and glorious sunshine than Tahiti? Tahiti is after all, the post card staple of the perfect vacation spot for whales and humans alike.

Every year from the end of July all through October humpback whales mate and give birth in the warm waters of French Polynesia before returning to the South Pole.

Divers and non-divers can enjoy the company of these magnificent creatures from the comfort of a covered boat or share the sea in a dive accompanied by seasoned diving instructors.

To learn more about whale watching in Tahiti, click to read Top Dive Polynesia's Full Article.

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