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Carded: Your Favorite Dive Certified Celebs

Author: Maduro Dive Staff

It's no secret that Hollywood stars seek out the hottest and best fitness trends to stay in shape but one fitness regimen has these celebrities hooked.

From James Cameron to Penelope Cruz and future king of England, Prince William, these celebs all have one thing in common: they love the water and they love to dive.

Into the Abyss

Academy award winning director James Cameron admits to having begged his father for lessons at 16 and says:

I learned to scuba dive in a pool. It wasn't until I moved to California that I ever even scuba dived in the ocean. But I just loved it. I loved this idea that there was this alien atmosphere right here on planet earth. I knew that I was never going to be an astronaut and visit another star system or land on another planet, but I knew I could explore an alien world right here.

But his love of the alien planet doesn't stop there. Cameron plunged into the Earth's deepest recesses in a minisubmarine he designed himself; sinking in waters of the western Pacific to a depth of nearly seven miles.

You can also note his enthusiasm for the underwater world in the scenery and landscapes of the 3D blockbuster film Avatar which resemble marine life and corals of the ocean. Even Oscar winning films Titanic and The Abyss involve the sea life, diving and exploring mysterious wrecks.

Act on It

America's sweetheart and Oscar winning actress Sandra Bullock took up diving for a different reason which was to get over her fear of the water.

While most of us would probably take baby steps to overcoming our fears, Sandra just dove right in (no pun intended).

Other red carpet scuba divers include:

Katie Holmes who learned to dive because of husband Tom Cruise.

Latin ladies Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek, Cameron Diaz, Kate Hudson and even Vampire Diaries sensation Nina Dobrev are all certified divers!

Another starlet had been exposed to the water since before she could walk or talk; the New Adventures of Flipper star Jessica Alba learned to dive when she was 13 for the TV series but was already accustomed to the water thanks to her mother who was a lifeguard.

When I was thirteen I learned to dive for a TV show I did called The New Adventures of Flipper I grew up in CA where the water is so cold that diving isn't something you do if you're a regular teenage girl. But I loved it immediately, I was fearless.

So, although most of us can't afford a Ferrari or build our own submarines (showoff) we can all share the passion for diving and its beautifully mysterious abyss.

Click through our Celebrity Divers Pinterest Board for more of your favorite celeb divers.

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