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Donate Your Old Dive Gear for a Cause

Author: Maduro Dive Staff

Been eying some new gear but get that voice telling you this stuff's still good, don't even think about it! We found the solution! (And just in time for the holidays) PLUS you'll feel even better when you hush up that little voice. recently reported on a great charity that helps children, veterans and the disabled dive with YOUR old gear! Sounds awesome right? Read more below as seen on Enjoy!

YOU KNOW THAT brand spanking new BC you've been aching to buy, but can't really justify it because your current BC is still in perfect shape? Or what about that new wristwatch-style dive computer that just hit the market that would finally allow you to go air-integrated, but would also elbow your existing gauge console from your dive bag? What to do? Give up, stick with your old gear? We have a better solution, a totally win-win solution: go ahead and buy that new BC and that new dive computer, then donate your old gear to an organization that will put it to really good use.

It's called the Diveheart Foundation, and it's a non-profit organization based in Illinois whose mission is "to build confidence and independence in children, adults and veterans with disabilities through the activity of scuba diving."

For the past 13 years, the Diveheart Foundation, which is essentially volunteer-driven, has worked tirelessly to use scuba diving as a tool to build self-esteem and provide physical and psychological therapy to people with disabilities. According to Founder Jim Elliott, it's all about instilling the Can Do spirit into both children and adults who are faced with life challenges and barriers that, without confidence and a level of independence, might seem insurmountable.

One project the organization is currently working on with the Hines V.A. Hospital in the Chicagoland area is the creation of a new scuba therapy facility that would allow Diveheart to do research, rehabilitation, education, and training, as well as provide vocational opportunities in areas like marine biology, oceanography and underwater engineering, to those with disabilities.

The Diveheart Foundation does not discriminate when it comes to disabilities. Children, adults and veterans with any type of disability are welcome to participate in Diveheart and Diveheart Military Wounded local, regional, national and international dive trips (with supporting medical authorization). These trips are supported by incredible Diveheart volunteers who come from around the world to participate.

For more on the Diveheart Foundation, their projects and how to get involved click here for full article

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