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Diver Wellness: Featured Exercise – The Dolphin

Author: Maduro Dive Staff

Now that 2013 has begun, we know that your New Year's Resolutions have too! For those who have decided to get (or stay) fit this year we've got an awesome exercise for you to try, it's called The Dolphin.

Cute right?

This exercise is aptly named as it emulates the fin-kick swimming of both dolphins and divers. The Dolphin is also a ScubaFit original.

The Dolphin integrates low back, hamstrings, gluteus and abdominal muscles in a prone position using the lower body as resistance instead of the upper body. Walking backwards, kicking through strong currents, turtle swimming, wave action, surf and sand are all conditions where this exercise will enhance diving performance and prevent injury.

Form: Begin by lying face down on a workout bench with hips aligned at the end of the bench at a 90 degree angle. Knees should be aligned directly below the hips also at a 90 degree angle with ankles flexed.

Click here for full exercise how-to and article.

Thanks to our buddies at Scubaboard and ScubaFit for this awesome read.


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