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Nautilus Liveaboards

About Nautilus Liveaboards

Nautilus Liveaboards offers 3 main scuba diving excursions from Mexico. So, Guadalupe Island offers Great Whites. Moreover, Socorro offers giant mantas, 10 species of sharks, and occasional pods of dolphins. Furthermore, the Sea of Cortez/Cabo Pulmo offers bull sharks, seals, and possibly even Humbolt squids. Enjoy our blog article Cage Diving with Great White Sharks.

Nautilus Liveaboard Diving

They currently have a small fleet of four scuba diving vessels. The largest is the newest 147ft long ship Belle Amie. With 17 guest cabins, she can hold up to 32 guests. She also boasts the ability to handle 5 shark cages at a time for maximum Great White viewing pleasure. Coming in next is the 132ft long Nautilus Explorer. So, she was the first ship to join the fleet. She was remodeled in 2018. Above all, she has 13 cabins and can hold 25 guests. The Explorer has one surface cage and 2 submersible cages. Currently, the Mexican Government has prohibited  shark diving in Guadalupe but this is subject to change. Now for a more intimate voyage there is the 116ft long Gallant Lady. This yacht has 6 cabins for up to 12 guests. Finally, they have the 105ft long Nautilus Undersea. This vessel has 9 rooms and holds up to 19 guests. All ships have a hot tub, internet access, satellite phone, air-conditioning, and ensuite bathrooms. Meals are prepared buffet style.

Attraction and Activities

Now if you are on the Nautilus Liveaboard 6-day trip to Guadalupe, expect 3 days of cage diving, Figure unlimited surface cage diving and 3 dives a day in a submersible cage. Guadalupe fur seal and sea lions just add to the mixture. Meanwhile, while diving the Revillagigedo Archipelago, plan on visiting Roca Partida, San Benedicto, and Socorro Island. This triangular area is where 20ft wide mantas may make you feel small, but seasonal whale sharks and humpback whales may not make you feel any more significant. The sharks include whale sharks, small white tips hiding together under rocks, and larger pelagics white tips hanging out at the edge of the blue. Silver tips, silkies, schooling hammerheads, dusky, thresher, and an occasional tiger shark may also be viewed. Over in the Sea of Cortez it’s all about the bull sharks.

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