Diving Activities
Adventure Activities
Overall the trip was good, Del Mar Aquatics has only improved in the overall good service they provide. Possibly an offshoot of the fact their no longer headquartered at Casa Del Mar. My only complaint with them would be having all divers having to turn in their lead each day and restuff pockets in integrated BC’s or getting weight placement the same each day on a weight belt. It’s just a lot of unnecessary handling of weights.
Casa Del Mar as a whole continue’s to improve slightly over the years. My big complaint with them would be the restaurant. The menu needs to change at least once a week, this was a complaint I heard from several of my divers and I would agree. Yes, I understand it’s “island time”, but the wait time to get service is ridiculous. They had one waiter that seemed to have the concept of service in mind. Just getting a drink refilled was a test in patience. A major concern for my people was the waiters practice of just putting everyone on the same ticket and having who ever was the last one at the table sign for it. They were very uncomfortable with that. Either they preferred to tip as they went and had difficulty parsing out their share to base the tip on or felt if they put down a few dollars to cover them and not the entire bill they would be resented. It was just too confusing an issue.
The hotel is clean and comfortable overall and as usual the gardens on site were very pretty. The pool and hot tub were in good condition. It’s nice that they have the in room safes now.
The diving itself was standard Cozumel, Awesome.